Your race, your pace. Our support. [For elementary to intermediate levels]

What is your Italian dream? 

  • Do you want to feel a sense of deep belonging in Italy, while you travel all around the "stivale", and enjoy the nature, the art, the culture and the food?  
  • Do you want to call Italy your home, and create the life of your dreams, embracing "la dolce vita"?
  • Do you want to reconnect to your Italian heritage and find your Italian identity?

You have your own special dream of feeling at home in Italy.
To make that dream a reality you need to 
craft your Italian identity. 
You need to be able to speak & think in Italian.  

Here is how we can help you.  

What is the 3D Italian Campus? 

A unique Italian language journey, designed with the 3D Method.

Learning Italian is an upward spiral.
You must have heard me repeat that a lot, right?
This is what it looks like transformed into a program! 

  • Get access to all Campus programs: Incubator, Accelerator, Momentum and a double step-by-step review program, Ripasso.
  • Go at your own pace - progress as fast or as slowly as you need, there are no deadlines. Literally none! 
  • Get support as you go, wherever you are: come to live lessons of your current program, and the previous ones, submit your compiti for feedback, ask your questions and get answers. 
  • Get unique insights into the 3D Method - come to the monthly Masterclasses with Tania!  
  • Use a special Campus Roadmap and Dashboard to stay on track. 
  • Practice conversation and keep accountable in the Campus private community. 


Your steps to Italian Fluency

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5




Gain Momentum


Your Campus Roadmap: step by step.

Step 1

Italian Incubator

Reinforcing the foundations.
 It will be a review of concepts and topics you already know, but you will concentrate on elements that you thought you knew, but have to restructure to be able to use them actively.
The most important work you do is start growing your language skills simultaneously. 

You will enrich your vocabulary by leveraging cognates. You will be able to introduce yourself, discuss family, travels, hobbies, ask for directions.
Grammar: correct use of essere, avere, articles, gender and number, possessives, regular verb conjugations. 

Step 2

Italian Accelerator

Diving deeper and accelerating the pace.
In Accelerator you will continue building or rebuilding the foundations of fluency: working on your language skills, enriching vocabulary around every day life topics and structuring your active grammar. 

 You will be able to go to a restaurant, book and check into a hotel, order the coffee you want, go shopping and grocery shopping, travel around Italy and even purchase a house.
Grammar: irregular verbs (present tense), modal verbs , passato prossimo, prepositions,   reflexive verbs .

Step 3

Ripasso  Uno

Reviewing the foundations
Ripasso Uno is the first complete review course, carefully crafted to make sure that Incubator and Accelerator vocabulary and grammar are reviewed, reinforced and are rock-solid. 

At the end of Ripasso 1 you will feel confident about the most important foundational elements of Italian: the most important grammar elements and the fundamental real-life interactions vocabulary will at your finger tips. 

Step 4

Italian Momentum

Gaining and maintaining momentum
After the foundations have been thoroughly revisited, it's time to take your fluency one step further.  
Momentum will take your language skills, grammar and vocabulary to the next level and deepen your connection to the language and the culture. 

You will be to talk about studies, meals and cooking, technology, including the correct use of English words in Italian,   sentiments, relationships, love and music. You will also be able to speak Italian on the phone!
 Grammar: articolo partitivo, futuro, gerundio, pronomi diretti e indiretti, imperativo, imperfetto.  

Step 5

Ripasso  Due

Reviewing the foundations
Ripasso Due is the a complete review of Momentum, for both vocabulary and grammar.
It's an program created with several cohorts of Momentum graduates, crafted to fit their review needs and get them the best results. 

At the end of Ripasso 2  you will feel find yourself with a new speaking, reading, writing and listening comprehension confidence.
If you follow the instructions you will notice you are actively thinking in Italian.

Graduates about learning with the 3D Method

 "Tania is my first Italian teacher and I find her course thorough and inspirational.  
I have spent a year learning by myself, trying to absorb the language, but Tania has taught me a whole new way of learning...

Laraine B.

"This learning journey into the Italian language and culture has been the most rewarding and valuable experience I have ever had .
 I cannot recommend Tania’s teaching methodology enough. It will entirely change your approach to learning Italian ..." 

Liz G.

"The holistic method Tania uses really makes a difference! I used to think to study Italian grammar was a real chore, but she found a way to make it fun! You learn through exploration of the Italian culture as well... I really think she has done something special here! Bravissimo  :) "

Jeff H.

 " Using the 3D Method Tania has enabled me to learn more in the 8 months, since I started with her, than in the 20+ years that I have been studying Italian.
She teaches not only the HOW but also the WHY behind the language...

Savannah W.

Avevo un sogno | I had a dream

Since the first Italian Incubator cohort graduated in 2020, I've been dreaming of offering my students an experience that would allow them to fully embrace the "your race - your pace" philosophy, with the 3D Method.

So they can move towards Italian fluency (and Italian identity) with a pace that works for them. A pace that can accelerate at times, and slow down when needed, as needed.

And with that I wanted them to enjoy the kind of support that we provide in a cohort-based program.
But with none of the pressure to keep up and the frustrating "I am falling behind" feeling, every time they took a trip, had a work commitment or a family emergency.

For years I have looked at all kinds of online schools and memberships.
I've joined coaching programs and even hired world-class mentors to help me figure this out.
But there didn't seem to be an existing formula for what I had in mind.

Finally, I realised that what I wanted was so unique, that it had to be invented, created, designed to fit our students and the Methodology.

Together with my wonderful team we have spent many months on shaping  the new adventure, and here we are!

Today, I am beyond excited to share the 3D Italian Campus with you. 

What's inside the 3D Italian Campus? 

Go through units at  

When I say "your race-your pace", I truly mean it!
If you need to review or keep going, don't worry - no matter where you are on the Roadmap, we can support you.
 You won't ever "fall behind", as that's simply not possible.

Submit your Compiti WHEN READY

In Campus you can submit your "compiti", weekly assignments, without deadlines, every week.
We will give you feedback!

 (Make sure you submit just one assignment a week, to make sure you process one feedback at a time).

Ask your questions and GET ANSWERS

We will make sure that you never get stuck and your questions are always answered.

In Campus there is always a space for questions and you get notified once your answer is ready!

Participate in

There are 2 Beginners level Deep Dives (Incubator+ Accelerator topics)  and 2 Intermediate Deep dives (Momentum topics) EVERY MONTH!

At every level, in every program, you will be able to enrol into the Grammar Deep dives. 

Use the community to

Community learning is the best way to progress.
Our private course community is where you set up Pausa Caffè conversations, practice vocabulary and grammar and connect with your teachers and classmates on a deeper level. 

Get access to a monthly

Once a month you will be invited to Tania's special Masterclass, dedicated to a cross-section of one of the most important aspects of learning Italian, explored with the 3D Method.

This is something quite literally you won't learn anywhere else. 

  Campus Live Sessions  

Campus students have access to these LIVE lessons.

 Accelerator Deep Dives

Live lessons dedicated to Incubator and Accelerator grammar topics. 

 Momentum Deep Dives

Live lessons dedicated to Momentum grammar topics. 

 Tania's Masterclasses

Dedicated to the secrets of learning Italian with the 3D Method!

Cosa dicono i nostri allievi | Graduates from Campus programs share their stories

Cosa dicono i nostri allievi

Choose your membership formula 

Most popular

Best Value


every 6 months

  • ❗ Commit for 6 months and get ONE MONTH FREE

    • A unique Italian language journey, designed with the 3D Method
    • ⭐ Come to Tania's monthly 3D Masterclass
    • ✅ Get access to ALL Campus programs
    • ✅ Advance at a pace that works for YOU
    • ✅ Participate in Live Grammar Deep Dives
    • ✅ Compiti - get feedback on your assignments without deadlines
    • ✅ Ask questions and get answers on the dashboard
    • ✅ Join the private Campus community and keep accountable
    • ✅ Practice peer conversation at "Pausa caffè"
Join Campus!

Budget friendly


every 3 months


    • A unique Italian language journey, designed with the 3D Method
    • ⭐ Come to Tania's monthly 3D Masterclass
    • ✅ Get access to ALL Campus programs
    • ✅ Advance at a pace that works for YOU
    • ✅ Participate in Live Grammar Deep Dives
    • ✅ Compiti - get feedback on your assignments without deadlines
    • ✅ Ask questions and get answers on the dashboard
    • ✅ Join the private Campus community and keep accountable
    • ✅ Practice peer conversation at "Pausa caffè"
Join Campus!



per month

  • ❗ Pay monthly [minimum 3-month commitment]

    • A unique Italian language journey, designed with the 3D Method
    • ⭐ Come to Tania's monthly 3D Masterclass
    • ✅ Get access to ALL Campus programs
    • ✅ Advance at a pace that works for YOU
    • ✅ Participate in Live Grammar Deep Dives
    • ✅ Compiti - get feedback on your assignments without deadlines
    • ✅ Ask questions and get answers on the dashboard
    • ✅ Join the private Campus community and keep accountable
    • ✅ Practice peer conversation at "Pausa caffè"
Join Campus!

Cosa dicono i nostri allievi

Domande e risposte 

It's a membership program designed to allow you to go at your own pace!

How often have you heard me say "Your race - your pace"!

Now I am really putting my money where my mouth is and offering a journey that allows you to have it all:

progress at your own pace, AND get support.

If you still have to catch up on previous programs, it's perfectly fine.

Pick up where you left, get support with homework, questions and come to live lessons!

When you are ready to move forward, just follow the Roadmap  on the  Campus Dashboard.

Every week, when you complete a unit you were working on,  you can submit a written assignment.

You can submit it with no pressure or deadlines (limited to one a week).

 The assignment will be corrected by one of our wonderful tutors, and you will get the feedback.
You will then follow the instructions to work on the feedback to complete the assignment. 

For every level in Campus we have 2 monthly grammar Deep Dives. You will be able to enrol in the Grammar lesson of the program you are currently going through.  

There are 2 Beginners level Deep Dives (Incubator+ Accelerator topics)  and 2 Intermediate Deep dives (Momentum topics).

And... there is a monthly Masterclass with Tania, where you will discover the secrets of Italian and the 3D Method.

A membership is a subscription based access, wich means you get all the goodies that we promised (and more) as long as you are enrolled.

We are offering 3 plans: a monthly option, a 3-month membership and a 6-month membership.

At the end of the period you subscribed to the subscription will renew, unless it is cancelled. 

The Campus Membership is €137/month.

The minimum subscription period is 3 months. Because let's face it, it's the minimum time to progress.
If you enrol for 3 months, you pay  €397.

You can also subscribe to a 6-month program. In this case you get 1 month FREE.  

If you enrol for 6 months, you pay only for 5 month, €685, and save €137.

As long as your subscription is active, you will have full access to the lessons, the programs, the Lives and all the additional goodies that we are going to provide in the community and the platform.

Each of our 7-week Italian programs is... 7 weeks!

It's the perfect time frame for an intensive language course. You would need buffer time in between for review.

So, to get to the end of Momentum, including Momentum review can take about 9 to 12 months.  Or as long as you need. 

As long as you stay,  you don't need to do anything to renew. It will renew automatically, maintaining the amount and the period you opted for.

Should you decide to cancel, you can do it from your profile on the platform with a click. (Account - Billing - Subscriptions)
Or let us know and we will take care of it for you and your membership will pause or cancel. 


To make sure you always find everything you are looking for during your 3D Campus adventure, we have created the Campus Dashboard.
It will help you navigate every single step of the program, keep on track, ask questions, watch recordings and keep updated about everything that is going on, including the live updated calendar.

Cosa dicono i nostri allievi

You are in good hands

Ciao, I'm Tania Troyan.

I am the founder of 7-week Italian and the creator of the 3D Method.
I've always been fascinated by the mechanisms of the human brain involved in language learning and by the dynamics of reaching full proficiency in non-native languages.

I've spent over two decades now exploring those mechanisms, while focusing mainly on my biggest passion: the  Italian language.  💗

I realised something was missing in the way languages are traditionally taught to adults.

There was a need for a teaching methodology focused on the student and their challenges, and not just on the mechanisms of the language.

And that's how the 3D method was born: a structured teaching methodology for holistic language acquisition.

It's my way to make a difference and help my students transform their lives by acquiring a new linguistic identity and feeling at home in Italy. 

Some more love from our graduates

"I didn't think this would be for me as I have tried so many different classes in the last 7 years...  I highly recommend this Method, even if you feel you know the basics!"
Rosie Meleady
 Writer from Ireland, who now lives in Italy

" I was a 'proper' Total Beginner and I was a bit worried... The lessons were brilliantly put together and I enjoyed the tasks"
Sarah Wint

"I enjoyed this course greatly and am amazed how much I learned. 
If you really want to learn Italian - Tania's courses are a must.  "
Gillian Burns