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Your journey towards Italian fluency starts here

Have you tried learning Italian, but couldn't progress? 

It's because traditional language learning methods rarely work.
That is why we’ve created the holistic 3D Method, and designed the Italian  Incubator program, to help you lay strong foundations for your future fluency.  


Does any of this sound familiar?

You are a complete beginner

You don't know where to start and feel overwhelmed

 You are standing in front of the vastness of Italian and have no idea where or how to start.

 The sheer quantity of material is overwhelming and is hindering you to the point where you are considering giving up before you even begin.

You may have started with an app, but quickly realized that you are not making progress.

 Mindlessly memorising words and cramming in grammar rules makes no sense to you.  

You are an advanced beginner

Your foundations are shaky, you can't build on them, so you can't really progress

You have tried self-teaching with apps, online videos, in-person programs, and live tutors.

 However, you still haven't found the structure and clarity you need to make the language your own and start communicating in Italian.  

Your Italian foundations were laid chaotically, so you feel stuck in a beginner's limbo, never able to break through that bottleneck.

You know you need to review the basics in a structured way, but going back feels frustrating.


What is your Italian dream? 

  • Do you want to feel a sense of deep belonging in Italy, while you travel all around the "stivale", and enjoy the nature, the art, the culture and the food?  
  • Do you want to call Italy your home, and create the life of your dreams, embracing "la dolce vita"?
  • Do you want to reconnect to your Italian heritage and find your Italian identity?

You have your own special dream of feeling at home in Italy.
To make that dream a reality you need to 
craft your Italian identity. 
You need to be able to speak & think in Italian.  

Here is how we can help you.  


Here is how we'll do it together in Italian Incubator

  • Lay solid and structured foundations to your Italian fluency, so it can become second nature. 
  • Grow your everyday vocabulary and put it in context, so you can travel or live in Italy with a sense of belonging. 
  • Discover how much sense Italian grammar can make, when you understand the "why" behind it, and every piece of the puzzle falls into place.
  • Grow your language skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing) simultaneously and organically. It's the shortest path to thinking in Italian
  •  Learn about amazing people who shaped Italian history so you too can feel part of the Italian culture.  
  • Immerse yourself in Italian language and culture and start building your Italian identity. With love and ease. 

Hi, I'm Tania. I will be your Italian guide for the next 7 weeks 

Want to know what you're in for?  Hit play! 

Here is what our graduates share about Italian Incubator

"This being my first course in Italian I found that it really set the perfect foundation for my learning journey. "
Theresa Santin

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to learn Italian.
This being my first course in Italian I found that it really set the perfect foundation for my learning journey. The course was a good balance of reading, writing, comprehension, and conversation.
Your 3D Method really helped in making the topics clear and relevant. Grazie!!!

"After many years of trying to learn Italian... I finally came across a course that gives structure and encouragement."
Paul Wigelsworth

After many years of trying to learn Italian through night-school, various audio courses, lots of books and a few apps, I finally came across an Italian language course that engages and guides, giving the structure and encouragement to learn…

3D Method… grazie mille! 

"This course is more than learning the Italian language; it is about becoming Italian. "
Marianne Miraldi
US /Italy

 This course is more than learning the Italian language; it is about becoming Italian. Every lesson brings Italian culture, history, art, and more to life through many different learning methods; something for every type of learner.
This course is unlike any other and if you are serious about learning Italian, this is for you. Grazie mille! The journey continues.

Is it you? 

You have tried it all, haven't you? But nothing has worked.

  • You've spent days, months or maybe even years on Duolingo. 
  • You've tried in-class and on-line Italian language classes. 
  • You've even tried the "Teach-yourself Italian" book, your grand-grandma brought with her in 1894. 
  •  You've been binge-learning Italian words and force-feeding yourself grammar to the point of linguistic (and not only) indigestion. 

And still... you feel your Italian is not progressing, you can't retain your new vocabulary, grammar is a hot mess and pronunciation makes you want to tear your own hair out.
Your attempts at speaking make you sweat profusely, and even the words you know are not there when you need them! 

Absolutely. Nothing. Is. Wrong. With. You!

Your memory is just fine.
You are good with languages.
You do have what it takes.


The only thing wrong is the traditional learning methodology that you've been exposed to.

And we have a solution for you.

Introducing our unique holistic 3D Method

What are we doing differently from the traditional methods?

Our students who learn Italian with
3D Method enjoy a holistic experience and build their Italian identity, as well as fluency.
We know that learning Italian means acquiring a new linguistic and cultural identity.
It's a delicate transformational experience, and we make sure you do it right.
  • We focus on the student's experience, not just the language.
  • We take into consideration the neuro-linguistic and the psycho-linguistic aspects of adult language learning, and integrate them into our courses. 
  • We provide students with learning tools and techniques to structure and accelerate  their path to fluency. In addition to learning Italian, our students learn how to learn a language! 
  •  We make sure you develop your language skills (reading, writing,  listening, speaking) simultaneously.  We also consider THINKING an active language skill. 
  • We leverage emotion and imagination, instead of force-feeding you vocabulary.
  • We bring mindfulness into the language learning process.
  • We see the language as a communication tool, a means to an end, and not an end goal in itself. Because that is how your brain perceives it. 

Curious to know what led me to create the 3D Method?

Here is what Incubator graduates say about the 3D Method

"This is the most intelligent approach to learning a new language I have ever experienced."
Alison Cubitt

This is the most intelligent approach to learning a new language I have ever experienced.
It requires a high level of commitment to get the most out of it and you need to make the time to do the exercises.

 I would recommend this course to beginners as well as people like me who learnt long ago.

"This course was an excellent experience for me because it offers an innovative approach to language learning."
Dejan Matlak

This course was an excellent experience for me because it offers an innovative approach to language learning.

Also, it allows you to be self-paced, which helps when you combine language learning with work.

I recommend Tania's 3D method because it is holistic.

"Adult learning is different and the 3D method fully addresses that process. The variety of materials is excellent."
Linda Bertani

Adult learning is different and the 3D method fully addresses that process. This gives us a good chance to actually learn and stick with it.  The variety of materials is excellent.
 3D puts us in there and has us interact right away.
I recommend this to … everyone wanting to learn Italian.

Ready to dive into the Incubator?
Let's start building your Italian identity

Take a walk in Venice

We will learn about the typical Italian city and how to ask for directions by walking around my favourite place on earth: Venezia!

Make new friends

You will all the necessary expressions and cultural aspects that you will need when introducing yourself to new Italian friends. 

Fill out forms and use documents

Live or travel all around Italy armed with the necessary tools and vocabulary to interact with authorities, banks, the post or a hotel.

Ask and answer questions

Learn how to ask and answer questions in a conversation with your Italian friends, relatives or neighbours.

Talk about our family

Family is very important in the Italian culture.  You will learn all the necessary vocabulary to talk about yours, including pets! 

Get to know the Medici family

 What better way to practice the family vocabulary than hanging out with the most famous Italian family of all times!  We will get to know them intimately!

Explore the Italian peninsula 

Do you like travelling around Italy? Of course, you do! We will have an entire unit dedicated to Italy and its geography! 

Meet Italy's most beloved expats

We are telling real life stories of famous Italians and Italy's most beloved expats to help you retain grammar and vocabulary! 

Here is a sneak peak of the Incubator Course Curriculum

Some love from our graduates 💝

 Hit "play" to listen to our graduates share their experiences and thoughts!

A holistic Italian learning experience, unlike any other.

We created it together with our students, based on their needs, interests, questions, difficulties and cultural curiosities. 
While leveraging the holistic principles of the 3D Method.

Then, with my team, we shaped and tweaked it until it became a  truly transformational experience for our students. 

In this 7-week course, you will find everything you need to build your Italian fluency from the ground up: 
a mix of guided self-paced lessons, simultaneous language skill growth, grammar and vocabulary practicetogether with Italian history, culture, geography and mentality elements!

Every aspect of it, every exercise, story, audio, video and 
grammar lesson is structured as part of a
 holistic Italian learning experience
and builds on the previous steps, with a clear objective:

bringing you closer to your Italian dream 
and your Italian identity.


  Join today and get immediate access to: 

    • Guided step-by-step 3D learning path,  where each new element builds on the previous
    • Grow your language skills: read, write, listen, speak and start thinking in Italian
    • An immersive multimedia experience: video, audio, pdf, text and interactive exercises
    • Bite-sized grammar with downloadable cheat-sheets for each topic 
    • Functional everyday-life vocabulary, perfect if you want to live or travel in Italy
    • The flexibility of  a well structured  self-paced program 
    • Course completion certificate
    • 1-year access 

Here is what our graduates share about Italian Incubator

"I didn't think this would be for me as I have tried so many different classes in the last 7 years...  I highly recommend this Method!"
Rosie Meleady
 Ireland/ Italy

I didn't think this would be for me as I have tried so many different classes in the last 7 years and I thought it would be too basic.

 But it helped me correct a lot of the basic foundations that were holding me back and in a very enjoyable and interesting way.

 I highly recommend this method, even if you feel you know the basics!

" I was a 'proper' Total Beginner and I was a bit worried... The lessons were brilliantly put together and I enjoyed the tasks"
Sarah Wint

I have enjoyed this Incubator course so very much.  I was a 'proper' Total Beginner and I was a bit worried that a lot of other people in the course were not as ignorant as me. But it didn't matter at all because I worked on the lessons at my own speed.
The lessons were brilliantly put together and I enjoyed the tasks which felt simple but were actually very good tests because I often messed up and had to go back and concentrate.   A fabulous course. Grazie mille. xx

"I enjoyed this course greatly and am amazed how much I learned. "
Gillian Burns

If you really want to learn Italian - Tania's 7-week Incubator is a must. Whether you're a complete beginner or have some basic understanding of the Italian language, the classes in this course will give you a solid foundation of knowledge that will have you writing, speaking and reading Italian. Well structured and easy to follow classes provide practical vocabulary and grammar with each lesson building on the previous one so your language skills grow every week. I enjoyed this course greatly and am amazed how much I learned.

Questions and answers | Domande e risposte 

Italian Incubator is the first course of the "La Trilogia" that makes up Italian Campus!

 It is followed by Italian Accelerator and Italian Momentum. 

Italian Incubator is for you, if you are a beginner, an advanced beginner, or even an elementary level student who feels that their foundations are a bit shaky and wants ro reinforce the basics in a holistic way. 

You can join Italian Incubator [Self Study] for €397. You will get access for an entire year and a discount when you decide to move forward.

You decide how much time you can dedicate daily or weekly.
 It's completely up to you. Our recommendation is at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. But if you can do an hour or two, that's great. 

The Self-Study Italian Incubator is completely self paced. We will send you a weekly suggestion, but you decide how fast you want to progress and when to take  a break.
We recommend to review the course once more, after it has been concluded and then move forward to the next step: Italian Accelerator. 

When you are ready, you can move forward, to Italian Accelerator, and then to Italian Momentum! 

The Self-Study track of Italian Incubator does not include live elements (live lessons, a course community, homework corrections). However, they are all part of the cohort-based Italian Incubator.
We run it a couple of times a year, and if you decide you need more personal attention, you can join the next cohort with a student discount! 

We run Italian Incubator a couple of times a year.
We will let you know when the new LIVE cohort begins and will send you your student discount coupon code, in case you would like to repeat the experience as part of a group and with live teaching. 

Your course materials will be available for 1 year.
If  to continue your journey with us beyond the Incubator, your access will be extended for as long as you are part of our programs!
Why just 1 year? From experience, if we don't have a deadline, we do not take the time to do the work. 

The Incubator is a 7-week program. It means that you can be done in just 7 weeks and move forward.
It does not mean you have to. 
Take your time, go at your own pace, and don't forget to review every single lesson as you go, and once you have completed the journey! 

That's a great question.
If you feel your foundations are rock-solid, and you prefer to jump to the next step, TAKE OUR PLACEMENT TEST and let's find out which program is your best fit. 

What comes after the Incubator? 

Italian Incubator is the first step of Italian Campus

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Keep Momentum

Italian Campus is a holistic learning experience, designed with the 3D Method.
It has 3 main steps: Incubator, Accelerator and Momentum.
There is also a review program called Ripasso in between.
Once you graduate from Italian Incubator [Self-study] you can retake it in a group setting,
 or move forward to Italian Accelerator and beyond!

Curious how you're going to feel 7 weeks from  now?

Hit "play" to hear what my students have to say about their journey

Is this the right Italian language course for me?

This program is perfect for you if:

  • You are a complete beginner in Italian and you want to start on the right foot.
  • You are an elementary level student, with gaps in the foundations. 
  • You have been learning Italian for a while, but need to review the basics in a structured way.
  • You are passionate about Italy, Italian language and culture.

Every step of this journey will bring you closer to your goal: understanding, speaking and thinking in Italian. Closer to your Italian identity. 

You are in good hands

Ciao, I'm Tania Troyan.

I am the founder of 7-week Italian and the creator of the 3D method.
I've always been fascinated by the mechanisms of the human brain involved in language learning and by the dynamics of reaching full proficiency in non-native languages.

I've spent over two decades now exploring those mechanisms, while focusing mainly on my biggest passion: the  Italian language.  💗

I realised something was missing in the way languages are traditionally taught to adults.

There was a need for a teaching methodology focused on the student and their challenges, and not just on the mechanisms of the language.

And that's how the 3D method was born: a structured teaching methodology for holistic language acquisition.

It's my way to make a difference and help my students transform their lives by acquiring a new linguistic identity and feeling at home in Italy.

"I found that I was learning lots of things that I never quite understood from my other teachers. The holistic method Tania uses really makes a difference! You learn through exploration of the Italian culture.
 I highly recommend this course. 
I really think Tania has done something special here."
Jeff H.


"Each week was more exciting than the previous as I could really feel that I was getting the flow of the language. The challenges that were set out as an assignment were a great way for me to see what I had accomplished at the end of each week, leaving me with a feeling of satisfaction."

Gina B.

South Africa/ Italy

"My first time doing an internet course and I found it much more effective and enjoyable than in-person lessons! The variety of delivery methods from video to audio clips to charts all in one lesson really helped me stay focused. Tania's explanations are clear and well put. Tania really keeps you engaged!"

Emily C.


Imagine this...

In just 7 weeks from today you can be so much closer to your Italian dream. 🍋
Imagine a version of yourself that is confident when speaking Italian, travelling,  getting to know new Italian friends, or communicating with Italian family.

A version of yourself that finally feels on track, motivated and is making great progress. 

It's time to take that first step.

It's the hardest one, but the most rewarding.

See you inside.
